Gilding Color Charts

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Product Overview


Manetti Leaf

This chart consists of 18 precious metal samples, oil gilded onto neutral gray coated paper stock. Each sample is labeled with Karat content, gram weight per 1000 sheets and percentages of other alloyed metals.  The samples run from 24 Karat leaf (100% gold) down to 6 Karat gold leaf plus samples of Palladium and Silver.


Nazionale Celestial Shades of Variegated Leaf

This chart consists of 9 oil gilded variegated metal leaf samples .  Celestial variegated leaf is patinated with heat and chemicals for an even homogeneous look without the strong patterning of traditional variegated leaf.


Nazionale Metal Leaf & Variegated Leaf

This chart consists of 13 oil gilded metal leaf samples including the 4 shades of composition gold, copper, aluminum, real silver, red, blue and green variegated leaf and 3 styles of Amorphic Variegated leaf.


Mica Color Charts

This chart comprises 24 mica samples which are flashed onto oil sized neutral gray stock (the base color can affect the final color of the mica powder, especially in the lighter tones).


Japanese Colored Silver

This chart consists of 18 oil gilded silver leaf samples.  As many of the colored silvers are sensitive to light, the chart should be stored away from light if it is to remain an accurate representation of the colors.


Crocodile (Etzinger) Leaf

This chart consists of 15 precious metal samples, oil gilded unto neutral gray paper stock.  Each sample is labeled with Karat content, gram weight per 1000 sheets, and percentages of other alloyed metals.